It feels like yesterday when I first entered preschool, where the only things that matter that time was playtime.It was 1998 when I entered preschool. Cried during my first day The only vivid details I remember about preschool.I guess memory deteriorates with age.Then yesterday we were celebrating New Year, waiting until the clock strikes 12, watching fireworks as a symbol of a new year. Now, it's already 2015. I feel slightly numb last night, I don't know how to react. Time is moving so fast and I started thinking about my achievements during the past few years and most important, my future. Where will I be posted, to serve our people? Not only about my future, I missed my dad even more. During my sister's wedding, looking at my Uncle Danial who walked with her at the aisle reminds me of him. He should witness his daughter's wedding but God loves him more than any love in this world.
New year, people will be busy making new resolutions, on what to aim this year. Honestly, the only thing right now on my mind is, getting my preferred state of posting which are Sarawak (1st choice) and Sabah as my second choice. Seniors keep telling us that at Sabah post for PPF is already full. I put this onto God's hands and I believe He will always give the best for us.
This new year, lets spread more love towards each other, stop all the negativity and promotes good vibes.Spend quality time on social media, search for inspiration rather than being a keyboard warrior, stop sharing something on Facebook without knowing the authenticity of the story, and whats your privacy, stays private.
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